Wind Spinners                              View Spinner Sizes here



Shipping MAX
$0.75 to $16.98 per carton or LESS
Once your order is placed, the difference will be credited back to your account. within 24 - 48 hours.  3D Wind Spinners offers this special on all orders within the Continental US.
 Additional details

$ Save $ on Demo Spinners

 Great Prices - Great Quality
!!! 2015 !!!


John's Audio Message




Our Stainless Steel products by DSA are a superior product in terms or durability.

DSA Spinners are the way to go..

Stainless Steel

and Still Made in the USA!


 Demonstration Spinners
These are spinners used to demonstrate our products at home shows and markets at a
Click Here



Shipping MAX $0.75 to $16.98
per carton or LESS
Once your order is placed, the difference will be credited back to your account. within 24 - 48 hours.  This special applies to all orders within the Continental US. Additional details

Cheering Spinners
      Order Now

Hello Cheerleaders  THE NEW "CHEER" Spinner is here!!! They are beautiful and available in Blue & Green right now.

Demonstration Spinners
BIG discounts on spinners used for display... Limited Supply

                 MAILING LIST
Want to be kept up to date on products and services?  Enter you name and email address and we will add you to our 3D Wind Spinners mailing list.

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Beautify your home with our incredible Wind Spinners / Wind Ornaments.

Metal 3D Wind Spinners provides a full line of these unique ornaments.  Displaying any of our products will immediately increase the beauty of your home.  These metal wind spinners make unique gifts and awesome garden ornaments.  They will look great on your porch or deck in several designs including 3D. We stock a wide variety of styles, designs, and colors to satisfy everyone's preference.  

These are quality products that are backed by warranties directly from the manufacturers.  The reflectivity of light from the sun as well as electric lighting shows an amazing pulsating effect.  As our wind spinners spin in the wind outside, or we sell motors which are available for indoor use, they are sure to catch everyone's eye.  

3D Wind Spinners carries many metal spinning ornaments.  If you don't see the Spinner you want on our site, contact us and we will inform you with price and availability.

If you are looking for unique gifts for a family member or a friend, these products are beautiful, different and new. 


  • If you are looking for unique gifts, these wind spinner ornaments are your answer.
  • If you want to emphasize the beauty of your garden, these 3D wind spinners make awesome garden ornaments.
  • Don't know what to get the person who has everything? Our wind spinners make unique gifts and are relatively new to the market.
  • Our metal wind spinners can be placed inside or outside and will surely be a conversation piece.  Our Metal wind spinners are constructed to last a long time.
  • Place them in your yard. Metal wind spinners are the talk of the neighborhood.  Your neighbors will be asking where you purchased your windspinners, be sure to tell them where we have satisfied thousands of customers.




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